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Geosystems Research Institute



Recent Publications

Manjur, S. M., Senyurek, V., Kalski, R., Gupta, S., Skarke, A., & Gurbuz, A. (2025). Automated Detection of Seafloor Gas Seeps in Multibeam Echosounder Data With an Attention-Guided Convolutional Neural Network. ournal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. IEEE. 1, 1-13. DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2025.3535234. [Abstract] [Document Site]

Schmid, S. A., Sanchez-Restrepo, A. F., Sosa, A. J., Turnage, G., & Ervin, G. N. (2025). Thrips Biological Control Agent Shows Greater Niche Overlap with Invasive Alligatorweed than Conventional Agent in Current and Future Climate Scenarios. BioControl. 70, 1-12. DOI:10.1007/s10526-025-10304-6. [Document]

Gebhart, M. G., Schmid, S. A., Turner, S., Webb, D., Thum, R., Beets, J., & Turnage, G. (2024). Invasive Eelgrass Hybrid, Vallisneria x Pseudorosulata in the Southeastern United States. Invasive Plant Science and Management. 1-11. DOI:10.1017/inp.2024.37. [Document Site]

Johanson, C. J., Schmid, S. A., & Mundahl, N. D. (2024). Fire History and Woody Encroachment Influence Saxicolous Macrolichen Community Composition on Dolomite Outcrops in Dry Bluff Prairies of the Minnesota Driftless Area. Prairie Naturalist. 56, 56-70. [Document] [Document Site]