Publications for Lee Gray Turnage, Jr (Gray)
113 Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Gebhart, M. G.,
Schmid, S. A., Turner, S., Webb, D., Thum, R., Beets, J., &
Turnage, G. (2024). Invasive Eelgrass Hybrid, Vallisneria x Pseudorosulata in the Southeastern United States.
Invasive Plant Science and Management. 1-11.
DOI:10.1017/inp.2024.37. [
Document Site]
Schmid, S. A., &
Turnage, G. (2024). Scientific Note: Utricularia Macrorhiza LaConte (Common Bladderwort; Lentibulariaceae) Recorded in the Mississippi Delta.
89(2), 190-195. [
Wersal, R. M., &
Turnage, G. (2021). Using Contact Herbicides for Control of Duckweed and Watermeal at Multiple Spatial Scales, and Implications for Management.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
59, 40-45.
Mudge, C. R.,
Turnage, G., & Netherland, M. D. (2021). Effect of Florpyrauxifen-benzyl Formulation and Rate for Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes) Control in a Mesocosm Setting.
Invasive Plant Science and Management.
14, 35-39.
Turnage, G., Madsen, J. D., Wersal, R. M., Byrd, J. D., Alcott, B., & Guetter, T. (2020). Selective Control of Flowering Rush in Mesocosms and Field Site.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
58, 56-61.
Sankar, M. S.,
Dash, P., Lu, Y., Mercer, A.,
Turnage, G., Shoemaker, C. M., Chen, S., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2020). Land Use and Land Cover Control on the Spatial Variation of Dissolved Organic Matter across 41 Lakes in Mississippi, USA.
Hydrobiologia. Springer.
NA(NA), 1–18.
DOI:10.1007/s10750-019-04174-0. [
Abstract] [
Document Site]
Turnage, G., Wersal, R. M., & Madsen, J. D. (2020). Torpedograss Control via Submersed Applications of Systemic and Contact Herbicides in Mesocosms.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
58, 67-71.
Turnage, G., Byrd, J. D., Wersal, R. M., & Madsen, J. D. (2019). Sequential Applications of Diquat to Control Flowering Rush (Butomus Umbellatus L.) in Mesocosms.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
57, 56-61.
Samiappan, S.,
McCraine, C.,
Hathcock, L. A.,
Turnage, G., Pitchford, J., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2019). Remote Sensing of Wildfire Using SUAS: Post-fire Mapping, Vegetation Recovery and Damage Analysis in Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi.
3, 43-61.
Turnage, G., Madsen, J. D., Wersal, R. M., & Byrd, J. D. (2019). Mechanical Control of Flowering Rush (Butomus Umbellatus L.).
Invasive Plant Science and Management.
12, 120-123.
Turnage, G., Madsen, J. D., & Wersal, R. M. (2018). Phenology of Curly Leaf Pondweed (Potamogeton Crispus) in the Southeastern US: a Two Year Mesocosm Study.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
56, 35-38.
Samiappan, S.,
Turnage, G.,
McCraine, C.,
Hathcock, L. A., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2017). Post-Logging Estimation of Loblolly Pine (Pinus Taeda) Stump Size, Area and Population Using Imagery from a Small Unmanned Aerial System.
MDPI Drones.
1(1), 15.
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2017). Curlyleaf Pondweed (Potamogeton Crispus) Control Using Copper-ethylenediamine Alone and in Combination with Endothall.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
55, 116-119.
Turnage, G., Wersal, R. M., & Madsen, J. D. (2017). Evaluating the Efficacy of Granular Copper and Triclopyr Alone and in Combination for Control of Flowering Rush.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
55, 12-122.
Samiappan, S.,
Turnage, G.,
Hathcock, L. A., Casagrande, L., Stinson, P. C., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2017). Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for High-Resolution Remote Sensing to Map Invasive Phragmites Australis in Coastal Wetlands.
International Journal of Remote Sensing. Taylor and Francis.
39, 1-19.
Madsen, J. D., Sartain, B.,
Turnage, G., & Marko, M. (2016). Management of Flowering Rush in the Detroit Lakes, Minnesota.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
54, 61-67.
Madsen, J. D.,
Turnage, G., & Getsinger, K. D. (2016). Efficacy of Combinations of Diquat or Triclopyr with Fluridone for Control of Flowering Rush.
Journal of Aquatic Plant Management.
54, 68-71.
Turnage, G., Madsen, J. D., & Wersal, R. M. (2015). Comparative Efficacy of Chelated Copper Formulations Alone and in Combination with Diquat against Hydrilla and Subsequent Sensitivity of American Lotus.
Journal of the Aquatic Plant Management Society.
53, 138-140.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts
Landry, M., Rogers, D., Linder, C.,
Moorhead, R. J.,
Turnage, G.,
Hathcock, L. A.,
Wasson, L. L., Young, D. A., & Meacham, S. D. (2016). Improving Created Wetland Function with Data from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Restore America’s Estuaries 8th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and 25th Biennial Meeting of The Coastal Society. New Orleans, LA: Restore America’s Estuaries and The Coastal Society. [
Samiappan, S.,
Turnage, G., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Identifying and Mapping Chinese Tallow Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Multispectral Imagery.
2016 Wildlife Society Conference. Raleigh, NC.
Turnage, G., Samiappan, S.,
Hathcock, L. A., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Mapping of Phragmites Australis Using 5-band Imagery Collected from an Unmanned Aerial System.
Midsouth Aquatic Plant Management Society conference. Baton Rouge, LA.
Samiappan, S.,
Turnage, G., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Identifying and Mapping Chinese Tallow Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Multispectral Imagery.
35th Annual MidSouth Aquatic Plant Management Society Meeting. Baton Rouge, LA.
Zarzar, C., Dyer, J.,
Dash, P.,
Moorhead, R. J., &
Turnage, G. (2016). Understanding Coastal Changes Using High Resolution Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Systems.
2016 State of the Coast Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Wersal, R. M.,
Turnage, G., Westcott, P., & Knight, H. (2016). Use of Copper EDA for Aquatic Plant Management in Reservoirs in the Southeastern United States.
2016 Western Aquatic Plant Management Society Conference. San Diego, CA.
Samiappan, S.,
Turnage, G.,
Hathcock, L. A., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Mapping of Phragmites Australis in Gulf of Mexico Wetlands Using Small UAS.
2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference Proceedings. Tampa, FL: GOMRI. [
Zarzar, C.,
Dash, P.,
Moorhead, R. J., Dyer, J., &
Turnage, G. (2016). Defining Surface Land Cover Features Using High Resolution Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Systems.
2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference Proceedings. Tampa, FL: GOMRI. [
Zarzar, C. M.,
Dash, P., Dyer, J.,
Turnage, G., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2015). Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in Aquatic Plant Identification.
Midsouth Aquatic Plant Society Meeting. Mobile, AL. [
Stinson, P. C., Casagrande, L.,
Turnage, G., Samiappan, S.,
Hathcock, L. A., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2015). Mapping of Common Reed (Phragmites Australis) Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix Texture Extraction, and ECognition.
Midsouth Aquatic Plant Society Meeting. Mobile, AL.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Samiappan, S.,
Turnage, G.,
Hathcock, L. A., Yao, H., Kincaid, R.,
Moorhead, R. J., & Ashby, S. (2017). Classifying Common Wetland Plants Using Hyperspectral Data To Identify Optimal Spectral Bands For Species Mapping Using A Small Unmanned Aerial Systems- A Case Study.
Proceedings of IEEE IGARSS. Fort Worth, TX.
Turnage, G., Samiappan, S.,
Hathcock, L. A., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Mapping of Phragmites Australis Using 5-band Imagery Collected from an Unmanned Aerial System.
Wildlife Society\'s 23rd Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Posters
Turnage, G., Alcott, B., & Guetter, T. (2016). The Effects of the Contact Herbicide Diquat on Mixed Stands of Flowering Rush and Hardstem Bulrush in Lake Sallie, Minnesota 2015.
2016 Aquatic Plant Management Society Conference. Grand Rapids, MI.
Non-Refereed Conference Abstracts
Sankar, M. S.,
Dash, P., Lu, Y., Mercer, A.,
Turnage, G., Shoemaker, C. M., & Chen, S. (2019). Influence of Land Use and Land Cover on Dissolved Organic Matter Composition across 41 Lakes in Mississippi.
Mississippi Academy of Sciences 2019 Summer Student Science Symposium. Starkville, MS: Mississippi Academy of Sciences. [
Document Site]
Turnage, G., & Layne, C. (2016). Waters of the United States.
2016 Mississippi Vegetative Management Association. Mississippi State University.
Turnage, G. (2016). Aquatic Weed Control.
2016 National Roadside Vegetation Management Association. Nashville, TN.
Zarzar, C., Dyer, J.,
Dash, P.,
Moorhead, R. J., &
Turnage, G. (2016). Defining Surface Land Cover Features Using High Resolution Unmanned Aerial System Imagery.
2016 Southeast Severe Storms Symposium. Starkville, MS.
Zarzar, C.,
Dash, P., Dyer, J.,
Turnage, G., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Defining Surface Land Cover Features Using High Resolution Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Systems.
96th AMS Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: AMS. [
Madsen, J. D., Sartain, B. T., &
Turnage, G. (2014). Herbicide Trials for Management of Flowering Rush in Minnesota.
Weed Science Society of America 54th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada. [
Wersal, R. M., Madsen, J. D., &
Turnage, G. (2014). Evaluating the Sensitivity of Hydrilla and American Lotus to Different Copper Formulations Applied Alone and in Combination with Diquat.
2014 Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society annual conference. Westbrook, CT.
Roberts, M. E., Millican, D. S., Calloway, M. T.,
Turnage, G., Strongin, K., Altig, R., Brooks, C., Slack, W. T., & Taylor, C. M. (2010). Tombigbee River Fishes Before and After the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council. Athens, GA. [
Turnage, G., Altig, R., Roberts, M. E., & Brooks, C. (2010). The Role of Impoundment in the Patterns of Fish Infestation by Larval Unionid (Superfamily:Unionidea) Mussels in Northeastern Mississippi.
7th annual Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. [
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Madsen, J. D.,
Turnage, G., & Wersal, R. M. (2013). Increasing the Selectivity of Contact Herbicides on Hydrilla: Sensitivity Tests with American Lotus.
Aquatic Plant Management Society 53rd Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. [
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2013). Phenology of Curlyleaf Pondweed (Potamogeton Crispus) in the Southeastern U. S.
Aquatic Plant Management Society 53rd Annual Meeting. San Antonio, TX. [
Abstract] [
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2012). Major Aquatic Weed Problems in the MidSouth: Identification and Specific Recommendations for Management.
2012 Mississippi Vegetative Management Association Annual Conference. Jackson, MS.
Turnage, G., Watson, A. F., Sartain, B. T., & Madsen, J. D. (2012). Surveys for Hydrilla and Giant Salvinia in Mississippi.
2012 MidSouth Aquatic Plant Management Society Annual Conference. Mobile, AL.
Turnage, G. (2011). Changes in Mussel Reproduction in the Tennessee Tombigbee Waterway.
Department of Biological Sciences. Mississippi State Universtiy.
Non-Refereed Conference Posters
Roberts, M. E., Millican, D. S., Calloway, M. T.,
Turnage, G., Strongin, K., Altig, R., Brooks, C., Slack, W. T., & Taylor, C. M. (2011). Tombigbee River Fishes Before and After the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway.
Mississippi Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Starkville, MS. [
Turnage, G., Roberts, M. E.,
Ervin, G. N., Altig, R., Brooks, C., McAnally, W. H., & Diaz-Ramirez, J. (2009). Estimating Mussel Reproduction Using Historical Fish Collections in the Upper Mobile Basin Watershed.
2009 Northern Gulf Institute annual conference. Mobile, AL. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Camphor Tree. Mississippi State University: GRI. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Chinese Tallow. Mississippi State University: GRI. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Eurasian Watermilfoil. Mississippi State University: GRI. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Waterprimrose. Mississippi State University: GRI. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Mimosa/Silk Tree. Mississippi State University: GRI. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Wild Taro. Mississippi State University: GRI. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Yellow Nutsedge. Mississippi State University: GRI. [
Turnage, G. (2020). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Cuban Bulrush (Oxycaryum Cubense (Poepp. &Amp; Kunth) Lye). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2020). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Parrotsfeather (Myriophyllum Aquaticum (Vell.) Verdc.). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2020). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Common Reed (Phragmites Australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steud). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2020). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Common Salvinia (Salvinia Minima Baker). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2020). Invasive Plant Factsheet: Brittle Naiad (Najas Minor All.). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2019). Torpedograss (Panicum Repens L.). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2019). Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia Crassipes (Mart.) Solms). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2019). Alligatorweed (Alternanthera Philoxeroides [Mart.] Griseb.). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2019). Giant Salvinia (Salvinia Molesta Mitchell). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2019). Hydrilla (Hydrilla Verticillata (L.F.) Royle). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Alcott, B., & Guetter, T. (2016). The Effects of Diquat on Mixed Stands of Flowering Rush and Hardstem Bulrush in Lake Sallie, Minnesota 2016 - Interim Report. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. 14. [
Turnage, G., Alcott, B., & Guetter, T. (2016). Management of Flowering Rush Using the Contact Herbicide Diquat in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 2015. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Alcott, B., & Guetter, T. (2016). The Effects of the Contact Herbicide Diquat on Mixed Stands of Flowering Rush and Hardstem Bulrush in Lake Sallie, Minnesota 2015. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2015). Management of Flowering Rush Using the Contact Hercide Diquat in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 2014. Mississippi State, Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2015). Aquatic Plant Community Assessment of the Ross Barnett Reservoir, MS in 2014. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Insitute. [
Madsen, J. D.,
Turnage, G., & Sartain, B. T. (2014). Management of Flowering Rush Using the Contact Herbicide Diquat in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 2013. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Sartain, B. T.,
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2014). Aquatic Plant Community and Invasive Plant Management Assessment of the Ross Barnett Reservoir, MS in 2013.
GRI Report #5062. Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS: Geosystems Research Institute. 34. [
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2014). Littoral Survey of Noxon and Cabinet Gorge Reservoirs, Montana, 2013.
GRI Report #5061. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research institute. 82. [
Turnage, G., Duncan, C., & Madsen, J. D. (2013). Aquatic Invasive Plant Survey for Eurasian Watermilfoil and Curlyleaf Pondweed in the Bighorn Reservoir, Montana and Wyoming.
GRI Report #5060. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Madsen, J. D., Sartain, B. T.,
Turnage, G., & Marko, M. (2013). Herbicide Trials for Management of Flowering Rush in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota for 2012.
Geosystems Research Institute Report 5059. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Duncan, C., & Madsen, J. D. (2013). Aquatic Invasive Plant Survey of Selected Montana Waters for 2012: Addendum - Yellowstone River.
Geosystems Research Institute Report 5055A. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Duncan, C., & Madsen, J. D. (2013). Aquatic Invasive Plant Survey for Eurasian Watermilfoil and Curlyleaf Pondweed in Yellowtail Reservoir, Wyoming.
Geosystems Research Institute Report 5058. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Duncan, C., & Madsen, J. D. (2012). Aquatic Invasive Plant Survey of Selected Montana Waters for 2012.
GRI Report #5055. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Madsen, J. D., Wersal, R. M., Watson, A. F., &
Turnage, G. (2012). Lake Havasu Aquatic Plant Monitoring 2011 Interim Report.
GRI Report #4008. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Watson, A. F., Sartain, B. T., & Madsen, J. D. (2012). 2011 Mississippi Survey for Hydrilla and Giant Salvinia.
GRI Report #5052. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Technical Report
Schmid, S. A., &
Turnage, G. (2023). 2023 Survey of Aquatic Plant Species in Mississippi Waterbodies. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Lee, M.,
Schmid, S. A., &
Turnage, G. (2023). 2022 Survey of Aquatic Plant Species in Mississippi Waterbodies. Mississippi State University: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Cuban Bulrush Biotype Response to Herbicide Treatments in Florida Field Locations - Year 1 Report. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Assessment of Procellacor Combination Treatments on Invasive Aquatic Plants. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Best Management Practices for Cuban Bulrush (Oxycaryum Cubense). Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2022). Sampling Submersed Aquatic Plant Biomass: Fresh Vs. Dry Weight. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2021). Development of BMP Strategy for Cuban Bulrush &Amp;ndash; Year 2 Interim Report. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2021). Cuban Bulrush Biotype Response to Herbicide Treatments in Florida Field Locations - Interim Report. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., & McLeod, A. (2021). Assessment of Procellacor Combination Treatments on Invasive Aquatic Plants &Amp;ndash; Final Report. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., & Sample, A. (2021). Surveys for Invasive Aquatic and Native Marine Vegetation on the Mississippi Barrier Islands. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Sample, A., & McLeod, C. (2020). 2020 Survey of Aquatic Plant Species in Mississippi Waterbodies. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2019). 2019 Survey of Aquatic Plant Species in Mississippi Waterbodies. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2019). A Brief Introduction to Factors Affecting Water Quality, Aquatic Weed Control, Herbicide Labels, &Amp; Mixing Calculations. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2018). Control of Cuban Bulrush (Oxycaryum Cubense) through Submersed Herbicide Applications - Final Report. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. 10. [
Turnage, G. (2018). Control of Torpedograss (Panicum Repens) through Submersed Applications of Systemic and Contact Herbicides - Interim Report. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2018). Control of Common Duckweed and Watermeal by a New Flumioxazin Formulation - Interim Report. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., & Shoemaker, C. (2018). 2017 Survey of Aquatic Plant Species in MS Waterbodies. Starkville, MS: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Alcott, B., & Guetter, T. (2018). Adaptive Management of Flowering Rush Using the Contact Herbicide Diquat in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 2016 - Final Report. Starkville, MS: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G. (2017). Control of Cuban Bulrush (Oxycaryum Cubense) through Submersed Herbicide Applications - Interim Report. Mississippi State, Mississippi: Mississippi State University, Geosystems Research Institute. [
Getsinger, K. D., Madsen, J. D.,
Turnage, G., & Badger, J. (2017). Invasive Aquatic Plant Control for Noxon Rapids and Cabinet Gorge Reservoirs, Montana: An Adaptive Management Plan. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., Alcott, B., & Guetter, T. (2017). Adaptive Management of Flowering Rush Using the Contact Herbicide Diquat in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 2016 - Interim Report. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Bassie, A. L.,
Turnage, G., Meacham, S. D.,
Hathcock, L. A., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). A Comparison of Linear Scaling Techniques for Analysis of Three-Dimensional Point Clouds.
MSU GRI TR-2016-5069. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Samiappan, S.,
Turnage, G.,
Hathcock, L. A., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). Mapping of Invasive Phragmites in the Pearl River Coastal Wetlands and the Results of Its Eradication Efforts. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Bassie, A. L., Young, D. A.,
Turnage, G., &
Moorhead, R. J. (2016). 3D Reconstruction Optimization Using Imagery Captured By Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
GRI Research Technical Report #5068. Mississippi State University: Geosytems Research Institute. [
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2015). Management of Flowering Rush Using the Contact Herbicide Diquat in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota 2014. Mississippi State University: Geosystems Research Institute. [
Professional Presentations
Carter, C., Madsen, J. D.,
Turnage, G., &
Ervin, G. N. (2013). Experimental Assessment of Butomus Umbellatus Growth along a Depth Gradient.
Society of Wetland Scientists South Central Chapter annual conference. Mississippi State University.
Turnage, G., & Madsen, J. D. (2013). Phenology of Curlyleaf Pondweed (Potamogeton Crispus) in the Southeastern US: A Mesocosm Study. Tunica, MS. [
Wersal, R. M., Madsen, J. D., &
Turnage, G. (2013). Evaluating the Sensitivity of Hydrilla and America Lotus to Different Copper Formulations Applied Alone and in Combination with Diquat. Tunica, MS. [
Thesis and Dissertation
Turnage, G. (2013). Changes in Host Use by Unionid Mussels Following River Channelization and Impoundment. Mississippi State, MS: Mississippi State University. [