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Publications for John Ball

12 Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Dabbiru, L., Aanstoos, J.V., Ball, J. E., & Younan, N. H. (2017). Screening Mississippi River Levees Using Texture-based and Polarimetric-based Features from Synthetic Aperture Radar Data. Electronics. MDPI. 1, 20. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Lee, M., Anderson, D., Ball, J. E., & Younan, N. H. (2015). Performance Measure-Based Band Group Selection for Task Specific Multispectral Sensor Design. Journal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. 45(62), 1-30.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts
Dabbiru, L., Aanstoos, J.V., & Ball, J. E. (2017). Machine Learning Framework for Levee Slump Slide Detection Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery. SEDAAG 2017. Starkville, MS.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Worch, E., Samiappan, S., Zhou, M., & Ball, J. E. (2020). Hyperspectral Band Selection Using Moth-Flame Metaheuristic Optimization. Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Waikoloa, HI, USA: IEEE. DOI:10.1109/IGARSS39084.2020.9323754. [Abstract] [Document Site]
Dabbiru, L., Aanstoos, J.V., Ball, J. E., & Younan, N. H. (2018). Machine Learning Framework for Mapping of Mississippi River Levees and Damage Assessment Using Terrasar-X Data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (IGARSS), July 2018. Velencia, Spain. [Abstract]
Islam, M., Anderson, D., Ball, J. E., & Younan, N. H. (2016). CLODD Based Band Group Selection. IGARSS. China.
Dowdy, J., Anderson, D., Luke, R., Ball, J. E., Havens, T., & Keller, J. M. (2016). Comparison of Spatial Frequency Domain Features for the Detection of Side Attack Explosive Ballistics in Synthetic Aperture Acoustics. SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing Conference 2016. Baltimore, MD: SPIE. [Abstract]
Lee, M., Anderson, D., Ball, J. E., & White, J. (2016). Background Adaptive Division Filtering for Hand-held Ground Penetrating Radar. SPIE. Baltimore, MD: SPIE Defence and Security. [Abstract]
Dabbiru, L., Wei, P., Harsh, A., White, J., Ball, J. E., Aanstoos, J.V., Doyle, J., Jackson, S., & Newman, J. (2015). Runway Assessment via Remote Sensing. 2015 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR). Cosmos Club, Washington, DC: IEEE. 1-5. [Abstract]
Lee, M., Anderson, D., Ball, J. E., & Younan, N. H. (2015). Multispectral Sensor Design Using Performance Measure-Based Hyperspectral Band Grouping. IGARSS 2015. Milan, Italy.
Ball, J. E., Anderson, D., & Samiappan, S. (2014). Hyperspectral Band Selection Based on the Aggregation of Proximity Measures for Automated Target Detection. SPIE. SPIE Conference - DSS, Baltimore, Maryland. [Document Site]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Posters
Ball, J. E. (2014). Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Radar Target Detection Using Linear Support Vector Machines (L-SVM). Proc. IEEE RadarCon 2014. Cincinnati, OH: IEEE. 1291-1294. DOI:10.1109/RADAR.2014.6875798. [Abstract] [Document] [Document Site]