Publications for Zuzana Hruska
67 Publications
Book Chapter
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., & Rajasekaran, K. (2021). Evaluation of Fungal Contaminants in Agricultural Products by Hyperspectral Imaging. In Jiangbo Li, Zhao Zhang (Eds.),
Nondestructive Evaluation of Agro-products by Intelligent Sensing Techniques. Bentham Science. 138-167.
DOI:10.2174/9789811485800121010008. [
Document Site]
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Brown, R., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. (2015). Hyperspectral Imaging Technology for Inspection of Plant Products. Hyperspectral Imaging Technology in Food and Agriculture, Chapter 9. Editors: Park and Lu. Springer.
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., & Rajasekaran, K. (2022). Near-infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Evaluation of Aflatoxin Contamination in Corn Kernels.
Biosystems Engineering.
221, 181-194.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Rajasekaran, K., Qin, J., & Kim, M. (2021). Use of Line-scan Raman Hyperspectral Imaging to Identify Corn Kernels Infected with Aspergillus Flavus.
Journal of Cereal Science.
102, 103364.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2020). A Novel Hyperspectral-based Approach for Identification of Maize Kernels Infected with Diverse Aspergillus Flavus Fungi.
Biosystems Engineering.
200, 415-430. [
Document Site]
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Tao, F., Brown, R., Cleveland, T., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2020). Spectral-Based Screening Approach Evaluating Two Specific Maize Lines With Divergent Resistance to Invasion by Aflatoxigenic Fungi.
Frontiers in Microbiology.
10, Article 3152.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Liu, Y., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2019). Detection of Aflatoxin B1 on Corn Kernel Surfaces Using Visible-near Infrared Spectra. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy. 1-11.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Zhu, F., Hruska, Z., Liu, Y., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2019). A Rapid and Nondestructive Method for Simultaneous Determination of Aflatoxigenic Fungus and Aflatoxin Contamination on Corn Kernels. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 67(18), 5230-5239.
Han, D., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2019). Development of High Speed Dual Camera System for Batch Screening of Aflatoxin Contamination of Corns Using Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging.
Transaction of the ASABE.
62(2), 381-391.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Liu, Y., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2019). Use of Visible–Near-Infrared (Vis-NIR) Spectroscopy to Detect Aflatoxin B1 on Peanut Kernels. Applied Spectroscopy. 73(4), 415-423.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Burger, W., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2018). Recent Development of Optical Methods in Rapid and Non-destructive Detection of Aflatoxin and Fungal Contamination in Agricultural Products.
Trends in Analytical Chemistry.
100, 65-81.
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2017). Temporal Effects on Internal Fluorescence Emissions Associated with Aflatoxin Contamination from Corn Kernel Cross-sections Inoculated with Toxigenic and Atoxigenic Aspergillus Flavus.
Frontiers in Microbiology.
8, 1718.
Zhu, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2016). Integration of Fluorescence and Reflectance Visible Near-Infrared (VNIR) Hyperspectral Images for Detection of Aflatoxins in Corn Kernels.
Transactions of the ASABE.
59(3), 785-794.
DOI:10.13031/trans.59.11365. [
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., & DiMavungu, J. D. (2015). Developments in Detection and Determination of Aflatoxins. World Mycotoxin Journal. 8(2), 181-191.
Hruska, Z., Rajasekaran, K., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Darlington, D., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2014). Co-inoculation of Atoxigenic and Non-aflatoxigenic Strain of Aspergillus Flavus to Study Fungal Invasion, Colonization, and Competition in Maize Kernels.
Frontiers in Microbiology.
5, 122.
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Clevelend, T., & Bhatnagar, D. (2014). Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Features of Aflatoxin and Related Secondary Metabolites and Their Application for Rapid Detection of Mycotoxins.
Food Bioprocess Technol.
7(4), 1195-1201.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., & Bhatnagar, D. (2013). Hyperspectral Image Classification and Development of Fluorescence Index for Single Corn Kernels Infected with Aspergillus Flavus. Transactions of ASABE. 56(5), 1977-1988.
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Darlington, D., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2013). Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy (FIS) for Comparing Spectra from Corn Ears Naturally and Artificially Infected with Aflatoxin Producing Fungus. Journal of Food Science. 78(8), 1313-1320.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2013). Detecting Corn Inoculated with Toxigenic and Atoxigenic Fungal Strains with Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imagery. Biosystems Engineering. 115, 125-135.
Yao, H., Huang, Y., Hruska, Z., Thomson, S. J., & Reddy, K. N. (2012). Using Vegetation Index and Modified Derivative for Early Detection of Soybean Plant Injury from Glyphosate. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 89, 145-157.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., & Bhatnagar, D. (2010). Correlation and Classification of Single Kernel Fluorescence Hyperspectral Data with Aflatoxin Concentration in Corn Kernels Inoculated with Aspergillus Flavus Spores.
Food Additives & Contaminants. Tuln, Austria: Food Additives and Contaminants.
27(5), 701-709. [
Abstract] [
Jin, J., Tang, L., Hruska, Z., & Yao, H. (2009). Classification of Toxigenic and Atoxigenic Strains of Aspergillus Flavus with Hyperspectral Imaging.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
69, 158-164. [
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Samiappan, S., Bruce, L.M., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2013). Support Vector Machines Classification of Fluorescence Hyperspectral Image for Detection of Aflatoxin in Corn Kernels.
Proceedings of IEEE 5th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing Conference. Gainesville, FL.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2012). SVM-based Feature Extraction and Classification of Aflatoxin Contaminated Corn Using Fluorescence Hyperspectral Data. Proceedings of IEEE 4th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing Conference. Shanghai, China.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Ononye, A., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., & Bhatnagar, D. (2011). Selective Principal Component Regression Analysis of Fluorescence Hyperspectral Image to Assess Aflatoxin Contamination in Corn. Proceedings of IEEE 3rd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing Conference. 2011, No. 94, June 6-9, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Ononye, A., Brown, R. L., & Cleveland, T. E. (2010). Spectral Angle Mapper Classification of Fluorescence Hyperspectral Image for Aflatoxin Contaminated Corn. IEEE 2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing. Iceland.
Non-Refereed Conference Abstracts
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Tao, F., & Rajasekaran, K. (2022). Elucidating the Relationship between Aflatoxin Contamination and Maize Kernel Strength. ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20. Houston, TX.
Yao, H., Tao, F., Zhu, F., Hruska, Z., Liu, Y., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2018). NIR Spectroscopy Analysis of Corn Kernels Inoculated with Aspergillus Flavus Fungi. Corn Utilization & Technology Conference, June 07- 09, 2018. St. Louis, MO.
Yao, H., Zhu, F., Xing, F., Hruska, Z., Liu, Y., Brown, R., & Bhatnagar, D. (2017). NIR Spectroscopy Analysis of Aspergillus Flavus-Inoculated Peanut Kernels. ICNIRS-1233. 18th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Copenhagen, Denmark. June 11 -15..
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Zhu, F., Brown, R. L., & Bhatnagar, D. (2016). Evaluating the BGY Fluorescence Signal in Maize Kernels Inoculated with Various Aflatoxin-producing Fungi Using Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging. 9th Conference of the World Mycotoxin Forum and the XIVth IUPAC International Symposium on Mycotoxins. Winnipeg, Canada.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. (2015). Sorting Aflatoxin Contaminated Maize Kernels with Fluorescence Spectra. Book of abstracts from the 17th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy.. Foz do Iguacu, Brazil. 170.
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Cleveland, T., & Bhatnagar, D. (2014). FLUORESCENCE EMISSION SPECTRA FROM INTERNAL STRUCTURES OF MAIZE KERNELS INFECTED WITH ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS. Book of Abstracts of the International Mycotoxin Conference 2014. Beijing, China: ISM.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Cleveland, T., & Bhatnagar, D. (2014). FLUORESCENCE EMISSION SPECTRA OF INTERNAL CROSS-SECTION OF MAIZE KERNELS INFECTED WITH ASPERGILLUS FLAVUS. Book of Abstracts of the International Mycotoxin Conference 2014. Beijing, China: ISM.
Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Hruska, Z., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., Cleveland, T. E., & Huang, Y. (2013). Using Hyperspectral Imaging for Assessment of Fungal Infection and Aflatoxin Contamination on Whole Corn Ears. ASABE Annual Conference. 07/22-25/2013, Kansas City, MO.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2013). Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging for Detection of Aflatoxin in Maize (Invited). International Aflatoxin-in-Maize Working Group "Global Solutions for a Worldwide Problem", May 14-16, 2013. New Orleans, LA.
Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Hruska, Z., & Brown, R. L. (2013). Toward Rapid Aflatoxin Detection in Single Maize Ear with Imaging Spectroscopy. Grand Challenge Exploration: Agricultural Development and Nutrition, GCE Phase I Grantee Meeting, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, March 13-15, 2013. Seattle, WA.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., & Brown, R. L. (2012). Development of a Hyperspectral Instrument for Contamination Detection of Whole Maize Ear.
Abstracts of lectures and posters of the WMF meets IUPAC 2012 conference. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: WMFmeetsIUPAC2012. [
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., & Bhatnagar, D. (2012). Detecting Contamination in Whole Corn Ears Infected with Toxigenic Aspergillus Flavus Using Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging.
Abstracts of lectures and posters of the WMF meets IUPAC 2012 Conference. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: WMFmeetsIUPAC2012. [
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., & Bhatnagar, D. (2011). SEM Study of Corn Kernels Inoculated with Different Strains of Aspergillus Flavus. ISM-Mycored 2011 Conference. Mendoza, Argentina.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., & Bhatnagar, D. (2011). Spectral Characteristics of Corn Kernels Infected with Aspergillus Flavus:Comparison of Field and Lab Inoculations. ISM-Mycored 2011 Conference. Mendoza, Argentina.
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., & Bhatnagar, D. (2011). Exploring the Excitation-emission Fluorescence Features of Aflatoxin for the Development of Potential Techniques for Rapid Mycotoxin Detection in Grain Using Imaging Spectroscopy. AOAC 2011 Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Ononye, A., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., & Bhatnagar, D. (2011). Control and Rapid Non-destructive Detection of Aflatoxin Contamination in Corn Kernels. The Nigeria Mycotoxin Awareness and Study Network Sixth Annual Conference. Ibadan, Nigeria.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Ononye, A., Brown, R. L., Cleveland, T. E., & Bhatnagar, D. (2010). Development of a Fluorescence Multispectral Imaging System to Study Aflatoxin Contaminated Corn Kernels. ASABE Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
Ononye, A., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., & Kincaid, R. (2010). Spectral Characterization of Aflatoxin Contaminated Corn Kernels. ASABE Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Ononye, A., Brown, R., Cleveland, T., & Bhatnagar, D. (2009). Instrument Development for Rapid and Non-invasive Aflatoxin Detection in Corn.
Aflatoxin Workshop 2009 Abstracts. Starkville, MS. [
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Cleveland, T., & Bhatnagar, D. (2009). Correlation and Classification of Single Kernel Fluorescence Hyperspectral Data with Aflatoxin Concentration in Corn Kernels Inoculated with Aspergillus Flavus Spores.
ISM Conference 2009 Proceedings. Tulln, Austria: International Society for Mycotoxicology. [
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Cleveland, T., & Bhatnagar, D. (2009). Evaluating the Relationship Between Aflatoxin Concentration and Hyperspectral Fluorescence Response in Single Corn Kernels.
ISM Conference 2009 Proceedings. Tulln, Austria: International Society for Mycotoxicology. [
Hruska, Z., Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., & Cleveland, T. E. (2009). Comparison of Aflatoxin Production in Field Corn Treated with Two Different Strains of Aspergillus Flavus versus Natural Infestation.
2009 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Reno, NV. [
Non-Refereed Conference Papers
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Rajasekaran, K., Qin, J., & Kim, M. (2022). Identification of Aflatoxin Contamination in Corn Kernels Using Line-scan Raman Imaging.
Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety XIV. Virtual Meeting: SPIE. [
Document Site]
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., & Rajasekaran, K. (2021). Near-infrared Hyperspectral Imaging for Identification of Aflatoxin Contamination on Corn Kernels.
Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety XIII. Virtual Meeting: SPIE. [
Document Site]
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Rajasekaran, K., Qin, J., & Kim, M. (2020). Raman Imaging for Detection of Corn Kernels Infected with Aspergillus Flavus: a Preliminary Study.
SPIE Proceedings Vol. 11421, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety XII. Online.
Yao, H., Tao, F., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2019). Detection of Aflatoxin Contamination in Maize Kernels Using Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) Hyperspectral Imaging. 19th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Gold Coast, Australia.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2019). Potential of Near-infrared Hyperspectral Imaging in Discriminating Corn Kernels Infected with Aflatoxigenic and Non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus Flavus. Proceedings of SPIE, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety XI, Paper No. 1101603. Baltimore, MD.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Zhu, F., Hruska, Z., Liu, Y., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2018). Feasibility of Using Visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) Spectroscopy to Detect Aflatoxigenic Fungus and Aflatoxin Contamination on Corn Kernels. ASABE Paper No. 1801006. St. Joseph, MI.
Tao, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Liu, Y., Rajasekaran, K., & Bharnagar, D. (2018). Rapid and Non-destructive Detection of Aflatoxin Contamination of Peanut Kernels Using Visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) Spectroscopy.
Proceedings of SPIE, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety X, Paper No. 10665K. Orlando, FL.
Han, D., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Ramezanpour, C., Rajasekaran, K., & Bhatnagar, D. (2018). Development of High Speed Dual-camera System for Batch Screening of Aflatoxin Contamination of Corn Using Multispectral Fluorescence Imaging.
Proceedings of SPIE, Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety X, Paper No. 106650J. Orlando, FL.
Xing, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Zhu, F., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Bhatnagar, D., & Liu, Y. (2017). Detecting Peanuts Inoculated with Toxigenic and Atoxienic Aspergillus Flavus Strains with Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imagery. Proceedings of SPIE, “Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety IX”, 1021701. Anaheim, CA.
Zhu, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. (2015). Visible Near-infrared (VNIR) Reflectance Hyperspectral Imagery for Identifying Aflatoxin-contaminated Corn Kernels. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Paper No. 2189995. New Orleans, LA.
Zhu, F., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. (2015). Classification of Corn Kernels Contaminated with Aflatoxins Using Fluorescence and Reflectance Hyperspectral Images Analysis. Proceedings of SPIE, Paper No. 9488-22. Baltimore, MD.
Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Hruska, Z., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2013). 3-D Surface Scan of Biological Samples with a Push-broom Imaging Spectrometer (Invited). 5th International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging, June 25-27, 2013. Beijing, China.
Yao, H., Kincaid, R., Hruska, Z., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2013). Hyperspectral Imaging System for Whole Corn Ear Surface Inspection. Proceedings of 2013 SPIE Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., Bhatnagar, D., & Cleveland, T. E. (2012). Utilizing Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging to Differentiate Corn Inoculated with Toxigenic and Atoxigenic Fungal Strains. Proceedings of 2012 SPIE Conference, "Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety IV". Baltimore, MD.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., & Ononye, A. (2011). Development of Narrow-band Fluorescence Indices for the Detection of Aflatoxin Contaminated Corn. Proceedings of 2011 SPIE Conference, "Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety III". 8027-12, April 26-27, 2011, Orlando, FL.
Ononye, A., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., & Kincaid, R. (2010). Calibration of a Novel Fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging System for Agricultural Inspection and Detection. SPIE conference. Orlando, FL: SPIE.
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Ononye, A., Brown, R. L., & Cleveland, T. E. (2010). Single Aflatoxin Contaminated Corn Kernel Analysis with Fluorescence Hyperspectral Image. SPIE conference "Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety". Orlando, FL: SPIE.
Ononye, A., Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., & Cleveland, T. E. (2009). Automatic Detection of Aflatoxin Contaminated Corn Kernels Using Dual-band Imagery. Proc. of SPIE. Orland, FL. 7315.
Patents and Licenses
Yao, H., Hruska, Z., Kincaid, R., Brown, R. L., & Cleveland, T. E. (2013). Method and Detection System for Detection of Aflatoxin in Corn with Fluorescence Spectra. U.S. Patent No. 8,563,934 B2: U.S. Patent Office.